Apartments | StepStone Family & Youth Services
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Independent Living

Helping Youth Take That Big Step In Stride

StepStone’s Independent Living Apartment Program provides supports and services to help young people transition from foster care to successful independence:

  • Extensive case management services
  • Safe, licensed independent living residence monitored by qualified staff
  • Coordination of employment, medical and psychological needs, educational opportunities and transportation
  • Assessment of youth skills using the Casey Life Skills Assessment; Service planning based on specific needs
  • Tailored to meet the specific needs of each program participant to provide the education and tools necessary to thrive on his or her own
  • Unique approach to teaching independent living skills including traditional classroom instruction and hands-on, skill-based training
  • Emergency on-call services available 24 hours a day/7 days a week
  • Community Independent Living Courses for Success in Life

One Step
Can Change a Life.

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