Children and youth thrive in supportive, safe and positive living environments. StepStone Family & Youth Services is a network of providers with services for children and youth in need. StepStone connects them with families who can give them a good home with the chance to live a better life and provides support through every step of their journey.
Leland’s Story
Leland was 15 years old when he was placed with StepStone Family & Youth Services in late 2017. He was placed in the home of Kenny and Teresa Saint, and they worked with Leland on ways to overcome his troubled past. They taught him independent living skills and helped Leland create a plan to overcome difficult situations.
In 2019, Mrs. Saint passed away. Mr. Saint has stated several times that without Leland he never would have survived that loss. This year, Leland’s case was transferred to the adoption team, and the adoption is scheduled to be finalized in the coming weeks. When asked about the adoption becoming official Mr. Saint replied, “He already is my son. This just makes it legal.”
James and Ryan’s* Story
Zack and Sara* became foster parents in the spring of 2019. This was the first time either of them had parented. They were led to fostering after not being able to start a family of their own. The couple saw a need in their community and were interested in fostering to adopt. Shortly after getting licensed, the family was place with twins, James and Ryan.
The children demonstrated significant behavioral and emotional challenges. Zach and Sara exhibited patience, compassion, and perseverance in their new role as foster parents. The couple worked hand-in-hand with the children’s service providers to address and understand the children’s trauma. Their hard work paid off and, in August of 2020, Zach and Sara adopted James and Ryan.
*Names changed to protect confidentiality.