The foster parent licensing process can seem overwhelming but rest assured that you will have an experienced licensing specialist for support every step of the way. The team supports new and existing foster parents in the following ways:
- Linking to community resources to support the family
- Provide initial and ongoing training regarding child development and managing challenging behaviors
- Additional relevant training at no cost
- Manage foster parent licenses and provide support with annuals and re-licensures
- Access to our community-based services to support the foster parents (home-based therapy and/or casework)
Phase 1: Orientation, Application and Documentation
You’ll receive the documentation to apply for a foster family license with explanations of each form and how to complete them. We will require your permission to complete background checks. The following checks will be completed: Local, State, National/ FBI, Sexual Offender Registry, and Child Protective Services. We may also have to obtain background checks for previous counties or states where you’ve lived.
Once the background checks are reviewed and approved, we will visit your home for the first of three home visits and meet with you and all individuals living in the home.
Phase 2: Training and More Documentation
You will complete the required training listed below. All training is facilitated by experienced foster care professionals and available to you free of charge.
- Pre-service Training – Twenty hours of training will introduce you to the child welfare system and give you the base knowledge to start caring for children who may have been abused, neglected, or otherwise mistreated.
- Medical Training – First Aid, Adult/Child/Infant CPR, and Universal Precautions certification are required of all foster parents.
The documentation required in this phase includes financial verification, reference checks, and medical screenings for all household members.
Phase 3: Foster Family Interviews and Assessment
We will visit your home for the second of three home visits, meet with you and all household members to obtain information for comprehensive assessment, and ensure that your home meets requirements. You will attend the last of the required training and provide the following documents: Driver’s License, Vehicle Registration, Insurance, Birth Certificate, Marriage/Divorce Certificates.
Phase 4: Completing the Application for Licensure
We will visit your home and meet with you and all household members for the final home visit. We will write your home study and meet with you to allow you to review the document and make any corrections and/or edits.
Phase 5: Submission and Approval
We submit your application to the Department of Child Services for review and approval for licensure.
Start your fostering journey with us
More information on how to become a foster parent in Indiana