StepStone Family & Youth Services of Ohio
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StepStone Family & Youth Services of Ohio

About Us

Children need a safe place they can call home. And families need strong support too. StepStone Family & Youth Services of Ohio supports young people in need of alternative, safer living environments.

We connect children who need homes to families who provide nurturing care. We’re committed to making a difference in the lives of the children, families and communities we serve.

We believe

  • Every child deserves to grow up in a safe and healthy environment
  • No family functions well in isolation. Support systems are an essential ingredient for families
  • Families possess strengths upon which to build
  • A crisis can create an opportunity for change

Our foster care process

You’ll begin your journey towards becoming a foster parent by completing the licensing application and home study while simultaneously attending pre-service training classes.

All prospective foster parents will need to complete pre-service training which includes training in CPR/First Aid, Medication Administration and StepStone policies and procedures.

These trainings help guide the way for you to successfully parent children who started life in a family that is most likely very different from yours. The pre-service classes teach these skills and help support you as you prepare to become a foster parent.


  • Completion of the licensing application
  • Completion in pre-service training
  • Completion of the home study process
  • A positive recommendation to the Ohio Department of Job & Family Services
  • Approval of the licensing request from the Ohio Department of Job & Family Services

Therapeutic & non-therapeutic foster care

Therapeutic foster parents provide a structured and nurturing environment for vulnerable youth. They are specially trained to support a child’s emotional and developmental needs and are continually supported by our agency staff.

Non-therapeutic foster care is traditional foster care that provides the caring, safety and security that kids need. Children in non-therapeutic foster care are typically developing kids in need of a safer, more stable living environment.