Laurie Walker Supports Indiana's Teenage Female Population - StepStone Family & Youth Services
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Laurie Walker Supports Indiana’s Teenage Female Population

Laurie Walker has been a licensed foster parent in Indiana since 2009. She has fostered many young people throughout that time, with a primary focus on the teenage female population. Laurie has had a placement of two sisters for the past eight years, providing them with stability that they previously had not received.

Laurie has a kind and welcoming spirit. Each young person who enters her home instantly feels at ease. She provides no judgment and meets each child where they are. She celebrates each goal they achieve and milestone they reach alongside them, no matter how big or small. Laurie models what a supportive family looks like by including each child in family gatherings, vacations, and activities. She is also a source of comfort when they are going through difficult times. Laurie’s adult children play an active role in her fostering journey. They encourage each young person and acknowledge them as their family.

Laurie is always willing to assist other foster families in providing breaks through respite or being a support in challenging times. Laurie’s fostering journey has had its own set of challenges, but she has shown great perseverance and strength. Laurie cannot imagine her life without fostering as a part of her story. She has connected with several young people who continue to visit or call even after they have left her home. Just as Laurie has impacted each of their lives, she acknowledges the enrichment they have brought to hers. Thank you, Laurie, for your continued advocacy and dedication to the youth of our community!

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